
Skip A Starbucks Day...Bring a girl home from China.

I heard this incredible story on Myra McEntire's blog and then again on Rachel Hawkins and I had to share it. I mean, I am PRO adoption. This story made me cry.

Check out the full story on CJ Redwine's blog. I was going to recap it but it's her story....and it's incredible.

Basically, you pay $5 (which is the cost of one grande iced vanilla latte) and you help bring a girl, named Johanna Faith, home from China to her new family. And, as if that act was enough, you can win something. Lots of things. So, it's $5, a prize and a little girl who needs her family.

Skip a Starbucks. Or a Dunkin Donuts. Or McDonalds. Skip it & change a life. Seems pretty simple for just $5.

Also, if you donate at CJ's page, leave a comment here. I'll send someone a prize too. I have some ARCs lying around...

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